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Horror and Science Fiction
  • That's much better, Dar! :)
  • Thank you very much for the tips! :D
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • Good job on the redo Dar!

    A Vulcan guy using Dar's Mik with the Azreal texture (which works really well for Vulcans), Euros outfit with Fisty's sparkle shader, mylochka's Vulcan jewelery and Paris65 hair.
    2300 x 1800 - 721K
  • Never thought to use Mik's morphs for a vulcan- great emotion there in his posture and the lighting is very nice! I really like the boarder and detail there.  :D

    Thank you for using that one!
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • He's my favorite of the 4 you released.  Thanks for sharing!
  • A'ight.  I just called this one Basement Issues.  JACK- this is your basement and some props.  XD
    Basement Issues.jpg
    980 x 1000 - 391K
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • Um holy shite that is some creepy stuff right there! Spider zombie is amazingly scary! Reminds me of spider granny from Legion.
  • Terre said:


    I really like this Well done, Grim..
  • Thank you guys! I was given tips from the Jack thread over yonder- Though I agree with the pose of the armed figure some of the rest I don't- either way, I don't have the file anymore so this scene isn't going to be redone. Two days of work and three renders later I'm sick of it. :D

    The bump on the walls was one crit- I've done U.E. for years, and I've been in some tunnels and halls that have had some severe textures going on between the paint, the plaster, and the rot that took over everything. When I go home I'll see if I can find some photos. I don't even know if I have any left saved. From hosptials to warehouses, tunnels and other sorts of buildings.

    If it's empty and accessible, I'll try it. (Though I know I'm breaking the law when I do for trespassing, I do *not* break in. If I can't get in on my own accord, I don't go.)
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • Mmm, fresh zombies! Thank you! The walls don't look like too much grunge to me. I recall a horror flick based on U.E. that showed worse than that! And seen it on train tunnel walls, for that matter.
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • That's what I was thinking, too. *grin* Thank you too, dollface.
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • Yeah, train tunnels are the gnarliest...

    >.>  SO not wanting to know what's in them thar tunnels under mah feets, between Union Station and the other side of Capitol Hell.

    Hill, I mean. Hill.

    Damn. That sounds like a story trying to get out...
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • That it does... Could go so many ways with all the creepy-crawlie thingamabobs that are oozing/slithering/stalking and creeping around. *GRIN* There are loads of ..........o.O
    .....I think I just got an idear.
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • See? I told you it was a Story waiting to creep into an unsuspecting brain! I sort of did, too.  >.>
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • Oldie but a goodie.  Click for larger.

    "The Captive"
    1000 x 1000 - 1M
    Jim Farris, Author, Science Fiction and Fantasy
    Jim Farris, Author, Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • A goodie indeed.
    Suspiro ergo sum.
  • Keen concept! I love that there's always a lot of thought gone into your situations.
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • I like the idea of this one a great deal- you can see how much you've worked on this one. Great concept, Jim!
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • So much detail
  • Not happy yet with the C3P0 render so here is one in the meantime.
    1245 x 1755 - 711K
  • Oh hey, that looks very good! I worked myself on a Darth Maul skin, it came out pretty interesting but overall I failed lol.
  • I can't remember where I picked that one up, but think it was actually made for V4, it was a freebie I picked up somewhere. Reason I think it was for v4 was that it asked me to point to an M4 that I had changed the uv on to fit v4 textures.
  • Needed a bit of happy in this Week from Hell, so I cobbled this up where Daren shows his best buddies the joy that is flight.

    Free Fall copy.jpg
    1500 x 1083 - 957K
  • {{{hugs}}} I hope things get better. At least you can do renders that are fun and relaxing.
  • The satisfaction of making something good tends to go a long ways toward taking the sting out of a sucky time.  If nothing else it makes the time seem to pass faster.  ;)
  • Terre - Thanks... I hope so as well, but right, right now? I'm not so hopeful. I know they will soon, but not right now.

    Wayii - *hugs* Thanks so much, :) It really did help, as did your words, ^_^
  • Well, you have us to try and help you through the down times. Good luck. {{hugs}}
  • /hugs

    Always important to find ways to be content regardless of a situation.  That way even if a situation doesn't improve, you manage to not want to just give up and let misery own you.  Once the misery owns you, it's just harder to get anything done, yaknow?
  • What she said.

    If worse comes to worst, have a look at Nursoda's critters. Your mood has to improve then. I just tested out that theory.
    Suspiro ergo sum.
  • Terre - Thanks, again, :)

    Wayii - Easier said than done, right? Heh, but I completely agree that's why I tried to get at least a happy render done. Once one lets the misery win, there is no going back. *hugs back* Thanks, hun.

    Suro - I'll take a peek, :) Thanks for the suggestion, ^_^
  • EVERYthing is easier said than done. 
  • Ain't that the truth, :-P
  • Sweet image AP. Love the poses! Very dynamic. Good work. :)
  • Thanks, LT, :D
  • Eye-popping good, AP! I just love that.

    Anything Nursoda cheers me up. And I concur on Weeks From Hell. Egad, it's been chaotic in my corner. It does make any little comforting thing so much more important.
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • :\"> Wow, thanks, Nan!

    Sorry for the mini absence again... sister came home and brought friends and I've been kicked out of my room so I've had no computer access. But I'll be back soon!
  • See you when you can get in.
    You're taking your computer with you I hope. You do NOT need a repeat of last year.
  • Heh, don't think it's practical to lug a desktop up too flights of stairs, haha. But I'm thinking of getting a laptop (or at least a netbook) for situations like this. I've been at least browsing this site and the general net on my Nook but there is only so much it can do. Wouldn't let me post here for instance. It was weird. But anyhoo, I really don't mind it this time. Not having total access to my computer has given me time to read more and unwind from work. I'll be back by this time next week, promise, :)
  • Good morning everyone- AP's right, it will be a good thing to unwind and actually pull yourself away from the technological overload. In effect, that is what I'll be having to do myself. With everything going on at home now, the two jobs..I haven't had the time to put more than a half hour at a time at the computer for the past two weeks-and it looks like it's going to be this way for at least the next month.

    So, until things calm I am on hiatus from rendering, texturing, (which sucks because I joined up with Mr. Sparky from the other site to work on that very thing- texturing.) and even sitting here to check emails. I've had to do that at work. I will carve out time for the collab AP and I are working on. I will answer emails when I can from work or my phone (again, when I can) and check in on the forum here and there. Hopefully things get back to psuedo normal soon. I've been hovering over that edge of breaking down for two weeks now and the stress, lack of sleep and funky innards has started my left eye twitching. Never a good sign.

    Much love to everyone here, much adoration and trust me- this mass of slime under the basement steps that is Moi in our forum will be back. I just need to take time and re-charge, re-prioritize and sleep.

    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. " Mark Twain.
  • Missing you guys already!
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • Bloody fun--but Fechín didn't do it!


    A rerun just to keep the fires burning...
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • *waves* Raetjor asked me to post this dude over here... so meet Dee, my lovely ALien boy... I sort of fell in love with him... :)



  • Sorry for double posting... the second one of those shots is actually in the Monthly Galleries at DAZ... if anyone feels like voting for him... ;)
  • Whoa, that's crazy! :D  Love the metal hair!
    * A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five!
    * Isn't it wonderful how cute weapons of mass distraction can be?
    * Those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I have others.
  • Nanobot said:

    Whoa, that's crazy! :D  Love the metal hair!

    Thank you! All the sudden he was inside my head. XD 

  • ~ Dee survived... but his injuries have been very bad. They say, that during those treatments the patient does not feel anything, and also, that not a single memory will remain.

    When Dee woke up again, he for sure was not the same person any more... and not only because of several bodyparts, that had been replaced... ~


  • Duct tape.  Because even in an advanced future we'll still need it.

    1000 x 1000 - 427K
  • so true. that and superglue, no doubt. As well as toilet roll, because let's face it a bidee is just too French to really catch on.
  • *snicker*

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